Logistic regression in brms

Bayesian workshop - STEP 2023

Scott James Perry

University of Alberta

By the end of this lesson you will be able to…

  • set priors in the logit space
  • fit models to trial-level binary data

Another non-linear transformation makes setting priors harder

  • Logistic regression (binomial/Bernoulli distribution with logit link) is fit in the logit space
  • We think of probability between 0 and 1

Wide priors lead to strange assumptions

  • Weakly-informative priors in logit space is weirdly informative in probability space

\(Intercept \sim Normal(0, 3)\)

Wide priors lead to strange assumptions

  • Weakly-informative priors in logit space is weirdly informative in probability space

\(Intercept \sim Normal(0, 3)\)

The rule of threes

  • Most of probability space is between logits -3 and 3
  • Try to keep priors within these bounds (especially on the intercept)

Think about the task, is 50% guessing?

If guessing leads to 50% ‘right’, does it make sense to:

  • center our Intercept on log-odds of 0 (probability of 0.5)
  • put too much probability mass below guessing?

Think about the task, is 50% guessing?

If guessing leads to 50% ‘right’, does it make sense to:

  • center our Intercept on log-odds of 0 (probability of 0.5)
  • put too much probability mass below guessing?

I’m not giving specific recommendations here, other than you think critically about your model and your priors

A change is (still) not constant

  • As with lognormal model, we have non-linear transformation
  • Remember that changes in log-odds are not linear with probability

[1] 0.5
[1] 0.8175745
[1] 0.9525741
[1] 0.9890131

Fitting trial-level data with Bernoulli distribution

Bernoulli special case of binomial distribution when n=1

model_fit <- brm(...,
                 family = bernoulli(link = "logit"),

What does our model look like written out?

\(acc_i \sim Binomial(n, p_i)\)
\(logit(p_i) = Intercept + \beta_1 group\_sumcoded + \beta_2 scaled\_Freq\)

\(Intercept \sim Normal(?, ?)\)
\(\beta_1 \sim Normal(?, ?)\)
\(\beta_2 \sim Normal(?, ?)\)

What does our model look like written out?

\(acc_i \sim Bernoulli(p_i)\)
\(logit(p_i) = Intercept + \beta_1 group\_sumcoded + \beta_2 scaled\_Freq\)

\(Intercept \sim Normal(?, ?)\)
\(\beta_1 \sim Normal(?, ?)\)
\(\beta_2 \sim Normal(?, ?)\)

Let’s go practice logistic regression in base R and brms

We are going to start with the script S5_E1_logit_priors.R